Investigation and Research of Zhou Ji, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering

Author:Manpower administration center Publish:2018-12-19

        Yesterday, Academician Zhou Ji and his delegation came to Jin to inspect the work of Intelligent Manufacturing and "Made in China 2025" city pilot demonstration. Accompanied by Vice Mayor Zhuang Tianhuai of Jinjiang City, Academician Zhou and his delegation first came to Wuli Industrial Park of Huayuzhengying Group.

        In the MES Executive Center of the Group, Academician Zhou Ji and his team visited the Group's intelligent manufacturing system and its application. Su Chengyu, CEO of the Group, accompanied the group and explained the product process patiently. The colorful web world attracted the attention of Academician Zhou and his colleagues, especially the new series of 3-D bedding and bedding launched by the group. The members of the delegation expressed their appreciation for the technology and quality of the products.